Rhinoplasty probably requires more “artistic interpretation” than any other procedure on the face. Simply stated, no two noses are alike since it is the most unique individual feature that one has. With training in ear, nose, and throat (Otorhinolaryngology), Dr. Liu has an unparalleled appreciation of the anatomy both inside and outside the nose. He is most aware that the nose not only serves as a central feature on the face, but it also performs an important function – to breathe well! Not many people would want the perfect looking nose but not be able to breathe well.
Many people seek different changes in their nose. Some examples of why people desire rhinoplasty include the following: making a nose smaller, removing a bump on the nose, straightening the nose, narrowing the base and sides of the nose, improving nasal breathing, refining the tip of the nose, decreasing the droopiness of the tip, and building up the bridge of the nose (common in Asian patients). The evaluation of the nose is the most critical step and the actual surgical techniques follow. Digital imaging has been an invaluable tool specifically in nasal surgery in determining what looks good and what the patient wants.