
Facial Fillers


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Case: 51536
Category: Juvederm tm
Age: 52
Gender: Female
Skin Tone: Fair
Description: This woman desired an improvement in the appearance of the lower eyelids to get rid of the tired look. She underwent a Juvederm injection to the lines underneath both lower eyelids.


Note the softened appearance to under the eyes, the disappearance of the groove under the lower eyelids, and in general a less tired appearance.
Above photos are actual patients of Dr. Liu who have given consent for the use of their photos for this website.


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Case: 59383
Category: Radiessetm Injections
Age: 70
Gender: Female
Skin Tone: Fair

This 70 yr old female wanted improvement in her neck line and the deep folds between the nose and corners of the mouth (nasolabial folds).  She did not want any invasive surgical procedure and opted to undergo Ultherapy ultrasound treatment of the face and upper neck and Radiesse injection to the nasolabial folds.


The nasolabial folds on the right do not appear as deep. The neck is smoother and the cheeks areas are tightened.
Note the significant improvement in the neck line at 6 weeks after Ultherapy was performed.
Above photos are actual patients of Dr. Liu who have given consent for the use of their photos for this website.